MARANA TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NOTICE AND AGENDA 11555 W. Civic Center Drive, Marana, Arizona 85653 Council Chambers, August 3, 2021, at or after 6:00 PM Ed Honea, Mayor Jon Post, Vice Mayor Patti Comerford, Council Member Jackie Craig, Council Member Herb Kai, Council Member John Officer, Council Member Roxanne Ziegler, Council Member Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Marana Town Council and to the general public that the Town Council will hold a meeting open to the public on August 3, 2021, at or after 6:00 PM located in the Council Chambers of the Marana Municipal Complex, 11555 W. Civic Center Drive, Marana, Arizona. ACTION MAY BE TAKEN BY THE COUNCIL ON ANY ITEM LISTED ON THIS AGENDA. Revisions to the agenda can occur up to 24 hours prior to the meeting. Revised agenda items appear in italics. As a courtesy to others, please turn off or put in silent mode all electronic devices. Meeting Times Welcome to this Marana Town Council meeting. Regular Council meetings are usually held the first and third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM at the Marana Municipal Complex, although the date or time may change and additional meetings may be called at other times and/or places. Contact the Town Clerk or watch for posted agendas for other meetings. This agenda may be revised up to 24 hours prior to the meeting. In such a case a new agenda will be posted in place of this agenda. Speaking at Meetings If you are interested in speaking to the Council during the Call to the Public or Public Hearings, you must fill out a speaker card (located in the lobby outside the Council Chambers) and deliver it to the Town Clerk prior to the convening of the meeting. All persons attending the Council meeting, whether speaking to the Council or not, are expected to observe the Council rules, as well as the rules of politeness, propriety, decorum and good conduct. Any person interfering with the meeting in any way, or acting rudely or loudly will be removed from the meeting and will not be allowed to return. Accessibility To better serve the citizens of Marana and others attending our meetings, the Council Chambers are wheelchair and handicapped accessible. Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation, such as a sign language interpreter, by contacting the Town Clerk at (520) 382-1999. Requests should be made as early as possible to arrange the accommodation. Agendas Copies of the agenda are available the day of the meeting in the lobby outside the Council Chambers or online at under Agendas and Minutes. For questions about the Council meetings, special services or procedures, please contact the Town Clerk, at (520) 382-1999, Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. This Notice and Agenda Posted no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting, at the Marana Municipal Complex, 11555 W. Civic Center Drive, the Marana Operations Center, 5100 W. Ina Road, and at under Agendas and Minutes.
Resolution No. 2021-102: Relating to Development; approving a final plat for Cortaro Ranch Phase II Lots 6A and 6B located north of Cortaro Farms Road and west of Cerius Stravenue (Brian D. Varney)
Resolution No. 2021-103: Relating to Development; approving a Release of Assurances for The Preserve at Twin Peaks subdivision and accepting public improvements for maintenance (Jason Angell)
Resolution No. 2021-104: Relating to Development; approving a final plat for Gladden Farms Block 33 Lots 1-119 & Common Areas “A-1”-“A-4” & “B-1”-“B-4”, located generally on the north side of West Mike Etter Boulevard and south of West Moore Road (Anita McNamara)
Resolution No. 2021-105: Relating to Development; approving the amended Town of Marana Policy Guidelines and Application Procedures for the Establishment of Community Facilities Districts (Yiannis Kalaitzidis)
Resolution 2021-106: Relating to Utilities; approving and authorizing the Town Manager to sign Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 2020-3123 with the Arizona Department of Water Resources to amend the schedule of deliverables over the three-year contract term (Amanda Jones)
Resolution No. 2021-107: Relating to Marana Regional Airport; approving and authorizing the Town Manager to sign the "FAA Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Grant Agreement," FY2021 AIP Grant Number 3-04-0058-024-2021, with the Federal Aviation Administration for funding in an amount not to exceed $192,368 for the Air Traffic Control Tower project (Kristin Taft)
Resolution No. 2021-108: Relating to the Police Department; approving and authorizing the Town Manager to execute a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) grant agreement between the City of Tucson (COT) and the Town of Marana to receive funding under COT Grant Number HT-21-2930 (Kristin Taft)
Resolution No. 2021-109: Relating to Administration; authorizing the transfer of ownership of a 2011 Ford Crown Victoria to the City of Nogales (Jane Fairall)
Resolution No. 2021-110: Relating to Personnel; approving and adopting amendments to the Town's Personnel Polices and Procedures, revising Chapter 6 - Performance Management and Employee Development by amending section 6-2-5 (A) "Criteria for Approval" (Curry C. Hale)
Approval of the Regular Council Meeting Summary Minutes of June 15, 2021, the Special Council Meeting Summary Minutes of June 15, 2021, and the June 22, 2021 Council Study Session Meeting Summary Minutes (Cherry L. Lawson)
Relating to Liquor Licenses; recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control regarding an application for an Acquisition of Control of a Series #10 Beer and Wine Store Liquor License submitted by Andrea Dahlman Lewkowitz on behalf of Speedway #2945, located at 12030 North Dove Mountain Boulevard, Marana, Arizona 85658 (Cherry L. Lawson)
Relating to Liquor Licenses; recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control regarding an application for an Acquisition of Control of a Series #10 Beer and Wine Store Liquor License submitted by Andrea Dahlman Lewkowitz on behalf of Speedway #2985, located at 7810 North Silverbell Road, Tucson, Arizona 85743 (Cherry L. Lawson)
Relating to Liquor Licenses; recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control regarding an application for an Acquisition of Control of a Series #10 Beer and Wine Store Liquor License submitted by Andrea Dahlman Lewkowitz on behalf of Speedway #2992, located at 4180 West Ina Road, Tucson, Arizona 85741 (Cherry L. Lawson)
Resolution No. 2021-115: Relating to Municipal Court; ratifying the temporary appointment and approving the appointment of Michael Pollard, approving the appointment of David Deibel, and approving the reappointment of Frank Anjakos, Maria Felix, and Ronald Newman as magistrates pro tempore for the Marana Municipal Court (Laine McDonald)
Resolution No. 2021-116: Relating to Municipal Court; approving the appointment of Ramona Silence and the reappointment of Dixie DeBonis and Kimberly Epling as civil traffic violation hearing officers for the Marana Municipal Court (Laine McDonald)
MARANA TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NOTICE AND AGENDA 11555 W. Civic Center Drive, Marana, Arizona 85653 Council Chambers, August 3, 2021, at or after 6:00 PM Ed Honea, Mayor Jon Post, Vice Mayor Patti Comerford, Council Member Jackie Craig, Council Member Herb Kai, Council Member John Officer, Council Member Roxanne Ziegler, Council Member Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Marana Town Council and to the general public that the Town Council will hold a meeting open to the public on August 3, 2021, at or after 6:00 PM located in the Council Chambers of the Marana Municipal Complex, 11555 W. Civic Center Drive, Marana, Arizona. ACTION MAY BE TAKEN BY THE COUNCIL ON ANY ITEM LISTED ON THIS AGENDA. Revisions to the agenda can occur up to 24 hours prior to the meeting. Revised agenda items appear in italics. As a courtesy to others, please turn off or put in silent mode all electronic devices. Meeting Times Welcome to this Marana Town Council meeting. Regular Council meetings are usually held the first and third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM at the Marana Municipal Complex, although the date or time may change and additional meetings may be called at other times and/or places. Contact the Town Clerk or watch for posted agendas for other meetings. This agenda may be revised up to 24 hours prior to the meeting. In such a case a new agenda will be posted in place of this agenda. Speaking at Meetings If you are interested in speaking to the Council during the Call to the Public or Public Hearings, you must fill out a speaker card (located in the lobby outside the Council Chambers) and deliver it to the Town Clerk prior to the convening of the meeting. All persons attending the Council meeting, whether speaking to the Council or not, are expected to observe the Council rules, as well as the rules of politeness, propriety, decorum and good conduct. Any person interfering with the meeting in any way, or acting rudely or loudly will be removed from the meeting and will not be allowed to return. Accessibility To better serve the citizens of Marana and others attending our meetings, the Council Chambers are wheelchair and handicapped accessible. Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation, such as a sign language interpreter, by contacting the Town Clerk at (520) 382-1999. Requests should be made as early as possible to arrange the accommodation. Agendas Copies of the agenda are available the day of the meeting in the lobby outside the Council Chambers or online at under Agendas and Minutes. For questions about the Council meetings, special services or procedures, please contact the Town Clerk, at (520) 382-1999, Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. This Notice and Agenda Posted no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting, at the Marana Municipal Complex, 11555 W. Civic Center Drive, the Marana Operations Center, 5100 W. Ina Road, and at under Agendas and Minutes.
Resolution No. 2021-102: Relating to Development; approving a final plat for Cortaro Ranch Phase II Lots 6A and 6B located north of Cortaro Farms Road and west of Cerius Stravenue (Brian D. Varney)
Resolution No. 2021-103: Relating to Development; approving a Release of Assurances for The Preserve at Twin Peaks subdivision and accepting public improvements for maintenance (Jason Angell)
Resolution No. 2021-104: Relating to Development; approving a final plat for Gladden Farms Block 33 Lots 1-119 & Common Areas “A-1”-“A-4” & “B-1”-“B-4”, located generally on the north side of West Mike Etter Boulevard and south of West Moore Road (Anita McNamara)
Resolution No. 2021-105: Relating to Development; approving the amended Town of Marana Policy Guidelines and Application Procedures for the Establishment of Community Facilities Districts (Yiannis Kalaitzidis)
Resolution 2021-106: Relating to Utilities; approving and authorizing the Town Manager to sign Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 2020-3123 with the Arizona Department of Water Resources to amend the schedule of deliverables over the three-year contract term (Amanda Jones)
Resolution No. 2021-107: Relating to Marana Regional Airport; approving and authorizing the Town Manager to sign the "FAA Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Grant Agreement," FY2021 AIP Grant Number 3-04-0058-024-2021, with the Federal Aviation Administration for funding in an amount not to exceed $192,368 for the Air Traffic Control Tower project (Kristin Taft)
Resolution No. 2021-108: Relating to the Police Department; approving and authorizing the Town Manager to execute a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) grant agreement between the City of Tucson (COT) and the Town of Marana to receive funding under COT Grant Number HT-21-2930 (Kristin Taft)
Resolution No. 2021-109: Relating to Administration; authorizing the transfer of ownership of a 2011 Ford Crown Victoria to the City of Nogales (Jane Fairall)
Resolution No. 2021-110: Relating to Personnel; approving and adopting amendments to the Town's Personnel Polices and Procedures, revising Chapter 6 - Performance Management and Employee Development by amending section 6-2-5 (A) "Criteria for Approval" (Curry C. Hale)
Approval of the Regular Council Meeting Summary Minutes of June 15, 2021, the Special Council Meeting Summary Minutes of June 15, 2021, and the June 22, 2021 Council Study Session Meeting Summary Minutes (Cherry L. Lawson)
Relating to Liquor Licenses; recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control regarding an application for an Acquisition of Control of a Series #10 Beer and Wine Store Liquor License submitted by Andrea Dahlman Lewkowitz on behalf of Speedway #2945, located at 12030 North Dove Mountain Boulevard, Marana, Arizona 85658 (Cherry L. Lawson)
Relating to Liquor Licenses; recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control regarding an application for an Acquisition of Control of a Series #10 Beer and Wine Store Liquor License submitted by Andrea Dahlman Lewkowitz on behalf of Speedway #2985, located at 7810 North Silverbell Road, Tucson, Arizona 85743 (Cherry L. Lawson)
Relating to Liquor Licenses; recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control regarding an application for an Acquisition of Control of a Series #10 Beer and Wine Store Liquor License submitted by Andrea Dahlman Lewkowitz on behalf of Speedway #2992, located at 4180 West Ina Road, Tucson, Arizona 85741 (Cherry L. Lawson)
Resolution No. 2021-115: Relating to Municipal Court; ratifying the temporary appointment and approving the appointment of Michael Pollard, approving the appointment of David Deibel, and approving the reappointment of Frank Anjakos, Maria Felix, and Ronald Newman as magistrates pro tempore for the Marana Municipal Court (Laine McDonald)
Resolution No. 2021-116: Relating to Municipal Court; approving the appointment of Ramona Silence and the reappointment of Dixie DeBonis and Kimberly Epling as civil traffic violation hearing officers for the Marana Municipal Court (Laine McDonald)