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Relating to Budget; presentation of preliminary year-end results (July-June) for the Town's General Fund and other selected major funds for the 2022-2023 fiscal year (Yiannis Kalaitzidis)
CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda contains items requiring action by the Council which are generally routine items not requiring Council discussion. A single motion and affirmative vote will approve all items on the Consent Agenda, including any resolutions or ordinances. Prior to a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, any Council member may remove any item from the Consent Agenda and that item will be discussed and voted upon separately.
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance No. 2023.029: Relating to Development; approving modifications to rezoning conditions of Marana Ordinance No. 2006.29, which rezoned approximately 9.95 acres of land generally located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Ina and Silverbell Roads, to delete zoning conditions that were intended to only allow a retail shopping center on the site and to remove zoning conditions related to the now-completed Silverbell Road improvement project (Scott S. Radden)
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance No 2023.030: Relating to Development; approving a rezoning of approximately 4.1 acres of land generally located approximately 800 feet south of the intersection of Ina Road and Silverbell Road, on the west side of Silverbell Road, from R-144 (single family residential) to VC (Village Commercial); and approving a minor amendment to the General Plan amending the land use category from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Commercial (C) (Scott S. Radden)
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance No. 2023.031: Relating to Land Development; revising Marana Town Code Title 17 (Land Development), chapter 17-4 (Zoning), section 17-4-3 (Use conditions matrix) to clarify that for home occupations, the use of amenities customarily incidental to a residential use is permitted subject to conditions; and designating an effective date (Steven Cheslak)
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance No. 2023.032: Relating to Land Development; adopting revisions to Marana Town Code (MTC) Title 17 "Land Development"; revising MTC Section 17-1-6 (Definitions), to revise definitions for “Single-family dwelling” and “Transitional housing”; revising MTC Section 17-4-2 (Use matrix) to revise the permissiveness of transitional housing uses in several zoning districts from allowed upon approval of a conditional use permit to allowed upon meeting specified conditions; revising MTC Section 17-4-3 (Use conditions matrix) to add conditions per use for transitional housing in the allowed zoning districts; revising MTC Chapter 17-6 “General and Miscellaneous Development Regulations” to add new section 17-6-12 (Transitional housing) establishing development regulations for transitional housing and a reasonable accommodation waiver process; providing that the revisions adopted by this ordinance shall apply to all specific plans in the Town that have more restrictive zoning requirements for transitional housing; and designating an effective date (Jane Fairall) Resolution No. 2023-098: Relating to Land Development; declaring as a public record filed with the Town Clerk the amendments adopted by Ordinance No. 2023.032, revisions to Marana Town Code (MTC) Title 17 "Land Development"; revising MTC Section 17-1-6 (Definitions), to revise definitions for “Single-family dwelling” and “Transitional housing”; revising MTC Section 17-4-2 (Use matrix) to revise the permissiveness of transitional housing uses in several zoning districts from allowed upon approval of a conditional use permit to allowed upon meeting specified conditions; revising MTC Section 17-4-3 (Use conditions matrix) to add conditions per use for transitional housing in the allowed zoning districts; revising MTC Chapter 17-6 “General and Miscellaneous Development Regulations” to add new section 17-6-12 (Transitional housing) establishing development regulations for transitional housing and a reasonable accommodation waiver process (Jane Fairall)
Resolution No. 2023-099: Relating to Development; adopting the Town of Marana Public Art Policy (Jason Angell)
Ordinance No. 2023.033: Relating to Finance; amending the Town of Marana comprehensive fee schedule by adding fees related to the Marana Public Art Policy and a General Plan Map Minor Amendment, in conjunction with a Translational or Non-Site Analysis Rezoning; and designating an effective date (Jason Angell)
Resolution No. 2023-094: Relating to Municipal Court, reappointing Laine McDonald as Marana Town Magistrate for a four-year term beginning October 1, 2023; approving and authorizing the Mayor to execute an employment agreement between the Town of Marana and Laine McDonald (Terry Rozema)
Resolution No. 2023-095: Relating to Municipal Court; approving the reappointment of Kimberly Epling, Ramona Silence, and Mary Soehnle as civil traffic violation hearing officers for the Marana Municipal Court (Laine McDonald)
Resolution No. 2023-096: Relating to Municipal Court; approving the reappointment of Frank Anjakos, Eva Bacal, Darlene Chavira-Chavez, Stuart DeHaan, David Deibel, Maria Felix and Ronald Newman as magistrates pro tempore for the Marana Municipal Court (Laine McDonald)
Sep 19, 2023 Council Meetings
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Relating to Budget; presentation of preliminary year-end results (July-June) for the Town's General Fund and other selected major funds for the 2022-2023 fiscal year (Yiannis Kalaitzidis)
CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda contains items requiring action by the Council which are generally routine items not requiring Council discussion. A single motion and affirmative vote will approve all items on the Consent Agenda, including any resolutions or ordinances. Prior to a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, any Council member may remove any item from the Consent Agenda and that item will be discussed and voted upon separately.
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance No. 2023.029: Relating to Development; approving modifications to rezoning conditions of Marana Ordinance No. 2006.29, which rezoned approximately 9.95 acres of land generally located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Ina and Silverbell Roads, to delete zoning conditions that were intended to only allow a retail shopping center on the site and to remove zoning conditions related to the now-completed Silverbell Road improvement project (Scott S. Radden)
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance No 2023.030: Relating to Development; approving a rezoning of approximately 4.1 acres of land generally located approximately 800 feet south of the intersection of Ina Road and Silverbell Road, on the west side of Silverbell Road, from R-144 (single family residential) to VC (Village Commercial); and approving a minor amendment to the General Plan amending the land use category from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Commercial (C) (Scott S. Radden)
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance No. 2023.031: Relating to Land Development; revising Marana Town Code Title 17 (Land Development), chapter 17-4 (Zoning), section 17-4-3 (Use conditions matrix) to clarify that for home occupations, the use of amenities customarily incidental to a residential use is permitted subject to conditions; and designating an effective date (Steven Cheslak)
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance No. 2023.032: Relating to Land Development; adopting revisions to Marana Town Code (MTC) Title 17 "Land Development"; revising MTC Section 17-1-6 (Definitions), to revise definitions for “Single-family dwelling” and “Transitional housing”; revising MTC Section 17-4-2 (Use matrix) to revise the permissiveness of transitional housing uses in several zoning districts from allowed upon approval of a conditional use permit to allowed upon meeting specified conditions; revising MTC Section 17-4-3 (Use conditions matrix) to add conditions per use for transitional housing in the allowed zoning districts; revising MTC Chapter 17-6 “General and Miscellaneous Development Regulations” to add new section 17-6-12 (Transitional housing) establishing development regulations for transitional housing and a reasonable accommodation waiver process; providing that the revisions adopted by this ordinance shall apply to all specific plans in the Town that have more restrictive zoning requirements for transitional housing; and designating an effective date (Jane Fairall) Resolution No. 2023-098: Relating to Land Development; declaring as a public record filed with the Town Clerk the amendments adopted by Ordinance No. 2023.032, revisions to Marana Town Code (MTC) Title 17 "Land Development"; revising MTC Section 17-1-6 (Definitions), to revise definitions for “Single-family dwelling” and “Transitional housing”; revising MTC Section 17-4-2 (Use matrix) to revise the permissiveness of transitional housing uses in several zoning districts from allowed upon approval of a conditional use permit to allowed upon meeting specified conditions; revising MTC Section 17-4-3 (Use conditions matrix) to add conditions per use for transitional housing in the allowed zoning districts; revising MTC Chapter 17-6 “General and Miscellaneous Development Regulations” to add new section 17-6-12 (Transitional housing) establishing development regulations for transitional housing and a reasonable accommodation waiver process (Jane Fairall)
Resolution No. 2023-099: Relating to Development; adopting the Town of Marana Public Art Policy (Jason Angell)
Ordinance No. 2023.033: Relating to Finance; amending the Town of Marana comprehensive fee schedule by adding fees related to the Marana Public Art Policy and a General Plan Map Minor Amendment, in conjunction with a Translational or Non-Site Analysis Rezoning; and designating an effective date (Jason Angell)
Resolution No. 2023-094: Relating to Municipal Court, reappointing Laine McDonald as Marana Town Magistrate for a four-year term beginning October 1, 2023; approving and authorizing the Mayor to execute an employment agreement between the Town of Marana and Laine McDonald (Terry Rozema)
Resolution No. 2023-095: Relating to Municipal Court; approving the reappointment of Kimberly Epling, Ramona Silence, and Mary Soehnle as civil traffic violation hearing officers for the Marana Municipal Court (Laine McDonald)
Resolution No. 2023-096: Relating to Municipal Court; approving the reappointment of Frank Anjakos, Eva Bacal, Darlene Chavira-Chavez, Stuart DeHaan, David Deibel, Maria Felix and Ronald Newman as magistrates pro tempore for the Marana Municipal Court (Laine McDonald)
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