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CALL TO THE PUBLIC At this time any member of the public is allowed to address the Town Council on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Town Council, except for items scheduled for a Public Hearing at this meeting. The speaker may have up to three minutes to speak. Any persons wishing to address the Council must complete a speaker card located outside the Council Chambers and deliver it to the Town Clerk prior to the commencement of the meeting. Individuals addressing a meeting at the Call to the Public will not be provided with electronic technology capabilities beyond the existing voice amplification and recording capabilities in the facilities. Pursuant to the Arizona Open Meeting Law, at the conclusion of Call to the Public, individual members of the Council may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Council, and may ask staff to review the matter, or may ask that the matter be placed on a future agenda.
Proclamation Recognizing November 6, 2023, as Color the World Orange Day (David L. Udall)
CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda contains items requiring action by the Council which are generally routine items not requiring Council discussion. A single motion and affirmative vote will approve all items on the Consent Agenda, including any resolutions or ordinances. Prior to a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, any Council member may remove any item from the Consent Agenda and that item will be discussed and voted upon separately.
Relating to Liquor Licenses; recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control regarding an application for a new series #012 Restaurant liquor license submitted by Minh Van Pham on behalf of Newton Pho, located at 5730 West Cortaro Farms Road, Tucson, Arizona 85742 (David L. Udall)
Ordinance No. 2023.037: Relating to Animal Control; amending Marana Town Code Title 6 (Animal Control); adding new chapter 6-10 “Pet Stores” to regulate pet stores by establishing requirements and authorizing enforcement; and designating an effective date Resolution No. 2023-104: Relating to Animal Control; declaring as a public record filed with the Town Clerk the amendments adopted by Ordinance No. 2023.037 to Marana Town Code Title 6 (Animal Control); adding new chapter 6-10 “Pet Stores” to regulate pet stores by establishing requirements and authorizing enforcement (Luke Fischer)
Ordinance No. 2023.038: Relating to Animal Control; amending Marana Town Code Title 6 (Animal Control); revising section 6-1-1 (Definitions) to add new definition for dog park; revising section 6-4-1(C)(4) (Dogs at large prohibited; exceptions; classification) to revise dog park exception; adding section 6-4-4 (Dog park regulations) to add dog park regulations; and revising section 6-7-2 (Evaluation of animals) to add exception to vicious, aggressive or destructive animal evaluation or investigation in dog parks; and designating an effective date Resolution No. 2023-105: Relating to Animal Control; declaring as a public record filed with the Town Clerk the amendments adopted by Ordinance No. 2023.038, revisions to Marana Town Code Title 6 (Animal Control); revising section 6-1-1 (Definitions) to add new definition of dog park; revising section 6-4-1(C)(4) (Dogs at large prohibited; exceptions; classification) to revise dog park exception; adding section 6-4-4 (Dog park regulations) to add dog park regulations; and revising section 6-7-2 (Evaluation of animals) to add exception to vicious, aggressive or destructive animal evaluation or investigation in dog parks (Lisa Shafer)
Ordinance No. 2023.039: Relating to Parks and Recreation; revising Marana Town Code Title 13 (Parks & Recreation), chapter 13-1 (Parks and recreation regulations); section 13-1-1 (Domestic animals and pets) to refer to dog park definition and regulation in Title 6 (Animal Control); and designating an effective date (Lisa Shafer)
Resolution No. 2023-106: Relating to Development; amending the infrastructure improvements plan supporting development impact fees for parks and recreation facilities by shifting the anticipated development impact fee funding among certain projects and by reducing the cost provided for the Twin Peaks District Park Land Acquisition and Phase 1 Development Project and for the New Competition Swimming Pool (50 Meter) Project without changing the amount of the parks impact fees or level of service; authorizing the transfer of up to $693,302.00 in budgeted expense authority in the fiscal year 2023-2024 budget to the Santa Cruz Shared Use Path at Cal Portland Project line item within the impact fee fund from various line items within the budget (Jim Conroy)
EXECUTIVE SESSIONS Pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03, the Town Council may vote to go into executive session, which will not be open to the public, to discuss certain matters.
Oct 17, 2023 Council Meetings
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CALL TO THE PUBLIC At this time any member of the public is allowed to address the Town Council on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Town Council, except for items scheduled for a Public Hearing at this meeting. The speaker may have up to three minutes to speak. Any persons wishing to address the Council must complete a speaker card located outside the Council Chambers and deliver it to the Town Clerk prior to the commencement of the meeting. Individuals addressing a meeting at the Call to the Public will not be provided with electronic technology capabilities beyond the existing voice amplification and recording capabilities in the facilities. Pursuant to the Arizona Open Meeting Law, at the conclusion of Call to the Public, individual members of the Council may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Council, and may ask staff to review the matter, or may ask that the matter be placed on a future agenda.
Proclamation Recognizing November 6, 2023, as Color the World Orange Day (David L. Udall)
CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda contains items requiring action by the Council which are generally routine items not requiring Council discussion. A single motion and affirmative vote will approve all items on the Consent Agenda, including any resolutions or ordinances. Prior to a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, any Council member may remove any item from the Consent Agenda and that item will be discussed and voted upon separately.
Relating to Liquor Licenses; recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control regarding an application for a new series #012 Restaurant liquor license submitted by Minh Van Pham on behalf of Newton Pho, located at 5730 West Cortaro Farms Road, Tucson, Arizona 85742 (David L. Udall)
Ordinance No. 2023.037: Relating to Animal Control; amending Marana Town Code Title 6 (Animal Control); adding new chapter 6-10 “Pet Stores” to regulate pet stores by establishing requirements and authorizing enforcement; and designating an effective date Resolution No. 2023-104: Relating to Animal Control; declaring as a public record filed with the Town Clerk the amendments adopted by Ordinance No. 2023.037 to Marana Town Code Title 6 (Animal Control); adding new chapter 6-10 “Pet Stores” to regulate pet stores by establishing requirements and authorizing enforcement (Luke Fischer)
Ordinance No. 2023.038: Relating to Animal Control; amending Marana Town Code Title 6 (Animal Control); revising section 6-1-1 (Definitions) to add new definition for dog park; revising section 6-4-1(C)(4) (Dogs at large prohibited; exceptions; classification) to revise dog park exception; adding section 6-4-4 (Dog park regulations) to add dog park regulations; and revising section 6-7-2 (Evaluation of animals) to add exception to vicious, aggressive or destructive animal evaluation or investigation in dog parks; and designating an effective date Resolution No. 2023-105: Relating to Animal Control; declaring as a public record filed with the Town Clerk the amendments adopted by Ordinance No. 2023.038, revisions to Marana Town Code Title 6 (Animal Control); revising section 6-1-1 (Definitions) to add new definition of dog park; revising section 6-4-1(C)(4) (Dogs at large prohibited; exceptions; classification) to revise dog park exception; adding section 6-4-4 (Dog park regulations) to add dog park regulations; and revising section 6-7-2 (Evaluation of animals) to add exception to vicious, aggressive or destructive animal evaluation or investigation in dog parks (Lisa Shafer)
Ordinance No. 2023.039: Relating to Parks and Recreation; revising Marana Town Code Title 13 (Parks & Recreation), chapter 13-1 (Parks and recreation regulations); section 13-1-1 (Domestic animals and pets) to refer to dog park definition and regulation in Title 6 (Animal Control); and designating an effective date (Lisa Shafer)
Resolution No. 2023-106: Relating to Development; amending the infrastructure improvements plan supporting development impact fees for parks and recreation facilities by shifting the anticipated development impact fee funding among certain projects and by reducing the cost provided for the Twin Peaks District Park Land Acquisition and Phase 1 Development Project and for the New Competition Swimming Pool (50 Meter) Project without changing the amount of the parks impact fees or level of service; authorizing the transfer of up to $693,302.00 in budgeted expense authority in the fiscal year 2023-2024 budget to the Santa Cruz Shared Use Path at Cal Portland Project line item within the impact fee fund from various line items within the budget (Jim Conroy)
EXECUTIVE SESSIONS Pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03, the Town Council may vote to go into executive session, which will not be open to the public, to discuss certain matters.
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