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CALL TO THE PUBLIC At this time any member of the public is allowed to address the Town Council on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Town Council, except for items scheduled for a Public Hearing at this meeting. The speaker may have up to three minutes to speak. Any persons wishing to address the Council must complete a speaker card located outside the Council Chambers and deliver it to the Town Clerk prior to the commencement of the meeting. Individuals addressing a meeting at the Call to the Public will not be provided with electronic technology capabilities beyond the existing voice amplification and recording capabilities in the facilities. Pursuant to the Arizona Open Meeting Law, at the conclusion of Call to the Public, individual members of the Council may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Council, and may ask staff to review the matter, or may ask that the matter be placed on a future agenda.
Proclamation Recognizing the Month of February as Love of Reading Month (David L. Udall)
Relating to Budget; presentation of independent auditor's report and final results for the 2022-2023 fiscal year (Yiannis Kalaitzidis)
CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda contains items requiring action by the Council which are generally routine items not requiring Council discussion. A single motion and affirmative vote will approve all items on the Consent Agenda, including any resolutions or ordinances. Prior to a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, any Council member may remove any item from the Consent Agenda and that item will be discussed and voted upon separately.
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance No. 2024.001: Relating to Development; approving a rezoning of approximately 3.9 acres of land located at 9996 N. Silverbell Road, on the east side of N. Silverbell Road, one tenth of a mile south of N. Coachline Boulevard, from Zone C (Large Lot) to R-36 (Residential) (Scott S. Radden)
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance No. 2024.002: Relating to Development; approving a modification of a rezoning condition of Marana Ordinance No. 2021.016, which rezoned approximately 49 acres of land located approximately one-quarter mile south of Ina Road, west of Silverbell Road, to revise a provision of the ordinance that required the property owner to design and construct a continuous left-turn lane along the entire frontage of the rezoning area (Scott S. Radden)
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance No 2024.003: Relating to Development; approving a rezoning of approximately 1.5 acres of land located northwest of the intersection of West Ina Road and North Oldfather Drive from NC (Neighborhood Commercial) to VC (Village Commercial) (Scott S. Radden)
PUBLIC HEARING: Resolution No. 2024-008: Relating to Development; adopting a minor amendment to the Marana 2040 General Plan to amend the Future Circulation Map (Figure 2-4) in the General Plan to reduce the right-of-way width for Adonis Road from 250 feet to 150 feet from South of the San Lucas subdivision to Tangerine Road (Jane Fairall)
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance No. 2024.004: Relating to Development; approving a modification of a rezoning condition of Marana Ordinance No. 2012.05, which rezoned approximately 278 acres of land located generally northeast of I-10, approximately 1.2 miles northwest of the I-10/Tangerine Road interchange, creating the Tortolita Shadows Specific Plan, to revise a provision of the ordinance that required the developer to dedicate to the Town a 170-foot wide drainage easement to be located adjacent to the Union Pacific Railroad (Steve Cheslak)
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance No. 2024.005: Relating to Development; approving a modification of a rezoning condition of Marana Ordinance No. 2009.02, which rezoned approximately 342 acres located north and northwest of the Interstate 10 and Tangerine Road traffic interchange, creating the Mandarina Specific Plan, to delete a provision of the ordinance that required the developer to install a non-potable water system to serve the common open space areas and other landscaped amenities and approving and authorizing the Mayor to sign the First Amendment to Mandarina Development Agreement (Jane Fairall)
Resolution No. 2024-009: Consideration and possible adoption of a resolution approving the sale and execution and delivery of pledged excise tax revenue obligations and pledged excise tax revenue refunding obligations, in one or more series; approving the form and authorizing the execution and delivery of necessary agreements, instruments and documents; delegating authority to determine certain matters with respect to the foregoing and declaring an emergency (Yiannis Kalaitzidis)
Relating to Legislation and Government Actions; discussion and possible action or direction regarding all pending state, federal, and local legislation/government actions and on recent and upcoming meetings of other governmental bodies (Terry Rozema)
Resolution No. 2024-010: Relating to Administration; approving and authorizing the Mayor to execute the Town Manager's Employment Agreement between the Town of Marana and Terry S. Rozema (Jane Fairall)
Jan 16, 2024 Council Meetings
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CALL TO THE PUBLIC At this time any member of the public is allowed to address the Town Council on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Town Council, except for items scheduled for a Public Hearing at this meeting. The speaker may have up to three minutes to speak. Any persons wishing to address the Council must complete a speaker card located outside the Council Chambers and deliver it to the Town Clerk prior to the commencement of the meeting. Individuals addressing a meeting at the Call to the Public will not be provided with electronic technology capabilities beyond the existing voice amplification and recording capabilities in the facilities. Pursuant to the Arizona Open Meeting Law, at the conclusion of Call to the Public, individual members of the Council may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Council, and may ask staff to review the matter, or may ask that the matter be placed on a future agenda.
Proclamation Recognizing the Month of February as Love of Reading Month (David L. Udall)
Relating to Budget; presentation of independent auditor's report and final results for the 2022-2023 fiscal year (Yiannis Kalaitzidis)
CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda contains items requiring action by the Council which are generally routine items not requiring Council discussion. A single motion and affirmative vote will approve all items on the Consent Agenda, including any resolutions or ordinances. Prior to a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, any Council member may remove any item from the Consent Agenda and that item will be discussed and voted upon separately.
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance No. 2024.001: Relating to Development; approving a rezoning of approximately 3.9 acres of land located at 9996 N. Silverbell Road, on the east side of N. Silverbell Road, one tenth of a mile south of N. Coachline Boulevard, from Zone C (Large Lot) to R-36 (Residential) (Scott S. Radden)
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance No. 2024.002: Relating to Development; approving a modification of a rezoning condition of Marana Ordinance No. 2021.016, which rezoned approximately 49 acres of land located approximately one-quarter mile south of Ina Road, west of Silverbell Road, to revise a provision of the ordinance that required the property owner to design and construct a continuous left-turn lane along the entire frontage of the rezoning area (Scott S. Radden)
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance No 2024.003: Relating to Development; approving a rezoning of approximately 1.5 acres of land located northwest of the intersection of West Ina Road and North Oldfather Drive from NC (Neighborhood Commercial) to VC (Village Commercial) (Scott S. Radden)
PUBLIC HEARING: Resolution No. 2024-008: Relating to Development; adopting a minor amendment to the Marana 2040 General Plan to amend the Future Circulation Map (Figure 2-4) in the General Plan to reduce the right-of-way width for Adonis Road from 250 feet to 150 feet from South of the San Lucas subdivision to Tangerine Road (Jane Fairall)
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance No. 2024.004: Relating to Development; approving a modification of a rezoning condition of Marana Ordinance No. 2012.05, which rezoned approximately 278 acres of land located generally northeast of I-10, approximately 1.2 miles northwest of the I-10/Tangerine Road interchange, creating the Tortolita Shadows Specific Plan, to revise a provision of the ordinance that required the developer to dedicate to the Town a 170-foot wide drainage easement to be located adjacent to the Union Pacific Railroad (Steve Cheslak)
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance No. 2024.005: Relating to Development; approving a modification of a rezoning condition of Marana Ordinance No. 2009.02, which rezoned approximately 342 acres located north and northwest of the Interstate 10 and Tangerine Road traffic interchange, creating the Mandarina Specific Plan, to delete a provision of the ordinance that required the developer to install a non-potable water system to serve the common open space areas and other landscaped amenities and approving and authorizing the Mayor to sign the First Amendment to Mandarina Development Agreement (Jane Fairall)
Resolution No. 2024-009: Consideration and possible adoption of a resolution approving the sale and execution and delivery of pledged excise tax revenue obligations and pledged excise tax revenue refunding obligations, in one or more series; approving the form and authorizing the execution and delivery of necessary agreements, instruments and documents; delegating authority to determine certain matters with respect to the foregoing and declaring an emergency (Yiannis Kalaitzidis)
Relating to Legislation and Government Actions; discussion and possible action or direction regarding all pending state, federal, and local legislation/government actions and on recent and upcoming meetings of other governmental bodies (Terry Rozema)
Resolution No. 2024-010: Relating to Administration; approving and authorizing the Mayor to execute the Town Manager's Employment Agreement between the Town of Marana and Terry S. Rozema (Jane Fairall)
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