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CALL TO THE PUBLIC At this time any member of the public is allowed to address the Town Council on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Town Council, except for items scheduled for a Public Hearing at this meeting. The speaker may have up to three minutes to speak. Any persons wishing to address the Council must complete a speaker card located outside the Council Chambers and deliver it to the Town Clerk prior to the commencement of the meeting. Individuals addressing a meeting at the Call to the Public will not be provided with electronic technology capabilities beyond the existing voice amplification and recording capabilities in the facilities. Pursuant to the Arizona Open Meeting Law, at the conclusion of Call to the Public, individual members of the Council may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Council, and may ask staff to review the matter, or may ask that the matter be placed on a future agenda.
Fee Structure for Marana Aquatic and Recreation Center.
CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda contains items requiring action by the Council which are generally routine items not requiring Council discussion. A single motion and affirmative vote will approve all items on the Consent Agenda, including any resolutions or ordinances. Prior to a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, any Council member may remove any item from the Consent Agenda and that item will be discussed and voted upon separately.
Relating to Liquor Licenses; recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control regarding an application for a new series #012 Restaurant liquor license submitted by Bruce Robert Barro on behalf of Barro's Pizza, located at 5825 West Arizona Pavilions Drive, Tucson, Arizona, 85743 (David L. Udall)
Public Hearing: Ordinance No. 2024.027: Relating to Development; amending Marana Town Code Title 17 (Land Development), Chapter 17-3 (Administration and Enforcement), Section 17-3-1 (Amendment and rezoning) to add provisions establishing time frames for review of zoning applications; and declaring an emergency (Jane Fairall)
Public Hearing: Ordinance No. 2024.028: Relating to Development; amending Marana Town Code Title 17 (Land Development), amending Chapter 17-6 (General and Miscellaneous Development Regulations) by adding new Section 17-6-14 entitled Accessory Dwelling Units; amending chapter 17-4 (Zoning) by making conforming amendments to sections 17-4-2 (Use matrix) and 17-4-3 (Use conditions matrix); approving the housing impact statement pertaining to this ordinance; and declaring an emergency (Jane Fairall)
Public Hearing: Ordinance No. 2024.029: Relating to Land Development; adopting amendments to Marana Town Code Title 17 “Land Development”; revising Section 17-1-6 (Definitions), to add a definition for “data center”; revising Section 17-4-2 (Use matrix) Table 2 - Use matrix, to add the data center use and to provide that data centers are prohibited as a principal use in all standard Town zones and allowed as accessory uses in the Town’s industrial zones LI and HI; revising sections 17-4-8 (Industrial zoning districts) and 17-4-16 (Legacy zones) to provide regulations for data centers operating as accessory uses; revising Chapter 17-6 “General and Miscellaneous Development Regulations” to add new section 17-6-13 (Data centers) establishing that data centers may only operate in the Town as a principal use if approved in a specific plan or specific plan amendment adopted through the normal rezoning process, and establishing development regulations for data centers; and designating an effective date (Jason Angell) Resolution No. 2024-108: Relating to Land Development; declaring as a public record filed with the Town Clerk the amendments adopted by Ordinance No. 2024.029, revisions to Title 17 "Land Development" of the Marana Town Code, including revising Section 17-1-6 (Definitions), to add a definition for “data center”; revising Section 17-4-2 (Use matrix) Table 2 - Use matrix, to add the data center use and to provide that data centers are prohibited as a principal use in all standard Town zones and allowed as accessory uses in the Town’s industrial zones LI and HI; revising sections 17-4-8 (Industrial zoning districts) and 17-4-16 (Legacy zones) to provide regulations for data centers operating as accessory uses; revising Chapter 17-6 “General and Miscellaneous Development Regulations” to add new section 17-6-13 (Data centers) establishing that data centers may only operate in the Town as a principal use if approved in a specific plan or specific plan amendment adopted through the normal rezoning process, and establishing development regulations for data centers (Jason Angell)
Resolution No. 2024-109: Relating to Economic Development; amending the Marana Job Creation Incentive Program (MJCIP) to exclude data centers from the definition of “Targeted Employer” for purposes of the MJCIP (Curt Woody)
Ordinance No. 2024.025: Relating to Land Development, adopting the Town of Marana Drainage Manual (Jason Angell) Resolution No. 2024-103: Relating to Land Development, declaring as a public record filed with the Town Clerk the Town of Marana Drainage Manual adopted by Ordinance No. 2024.025 (Jason Angell)
Dec 17, 2024 Council Meetings
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CALL TO THE PUBLIC At this time any member of the public is allowed to address the Town Council on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Town Council, except for items scheduled for a Public Hearing at this meeting. The speaker may have up to three minutes to speak. Any persons wishing to address the Council must complete a speaker card located outside the Council Chambers and deliver it to the Town Clerk prior to the commencement of the meeting. Individuals addressing a meeting at the Call to the Public will not be provided with electronic technology capabilities beyond the existing voice amplification and recording capabilities in the facilities. Pursuant to the Arizona Open Meeting Law, at the conclusion of Call to the Public, individual members of the Council may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Council, and may ask staff to review the matter, or may ask that the matter be placed on a future agenda.
Fee Structure for Marana Aquatic and Recreation Center.
CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda contains items requiring action by the Council which are generally routine items not requiring Council discussion. A single motion and affirmative vote will approve all items on the Consent Agenda, including any resolutions or ordinances. Prior to a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, any Council member may remove any item from the Consent Agenda and that item will be discussed and voted upon separately.
Relating to Liquor Licenses; recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control regarding an application for a new series #012 Restaurant liquor license submitted by Bruce Robert Barro on behalf of Barro's Pizza, located at 5825 West Arizona Pavilions Drive, Tucson, Arizona, 85743 (David L. Udall)
Public Hearing: Ordinance No. 2024.027: Relating to Development; amending Marana Town Code Title 17 (Land Development), Chapter 17-3 (Administration and Enforcement), Section 17-3-1 (Amendment and rezoning) to add provisions establishing time frames for review of zoning applications; and declaring an emergency (Jane Fairall)
Public Hearing: Ordinance No. 2024.028: Relating to Development; amending Marana Town Code Title 17 (Land Development), amending Chapter 17-6 (General and Miscellaneous Development Regulations) by adding new Section 17-6-14 entitled Accessory Dwelling Units; amending chapter 17-4 (Zoning) by making conforming amendments to sections 17-4-2 (Use matrix) and 17-4-3 (Use conditions matrix); approving the housing impact statement pertaining to this ordinance; and declaring an emergency (Jane Fairall)
Public Hearing: Ordinance No. 2024.029: Relating to Land Development; adopting amendments to Marana Town Code Title 17 “Land Development”; revising Section 17-1-6 (Definitions), to add a definition for “data center”; revising Section 17-4-2 (Use matrix) Table 2 - Use matrix, to add the data center use and to provide that data centers are prohibited as a principal use in all standard Town zones and allowed as accessory uses in the Town’s industrial zones LI and HI; revising sections 17-4-8 (Industrial zoning districts) and 17-4-16 (Legacy zones) to provide regulations for data centers operating as accessory uses; revising Chapter 17-6 “General and Miscellaneous Development Regulations” to add new section 17-6-13 (Data centers) establishing that data centers may only operate in the Town as a principal use if approved in a specific plan or specific plan amendment adopted through the normal rezoning process, and establishing development regulations for data centers; and designating an effective date (Jason Angell) Resolution No. 2024-108: Relating to Land Development; declaring as a public record filed with the Town Clerk the amendments adopted by Ordinance No. 2024.029, revisions to Title 17 "Land Development" of the Marana Town Code, including revising Section 17-1-6 (Definitions), to add a definition for “data center”; revising Section 17-4-2 (Use matrix) Table 2 - Use matrix, to add the data center use and to provide that data centers are prohibited as a principal use in all standard Town zones and allowed as accessory uses in the Town’s industrial zones LI and HI; revising sections 17-4-8 (Industrial zoning districts) and 17-4-16 (Legacy zones) to provide regulations for data centers operating as accessory uses; revising Chapter 17-6 “General and Miscellaneous Development Regulations” to add new section 17-6-13 (Data centers) establishing that data centers may only operate in the Town as a principal use if approved in a specific plan or specific plan amendment adopted through the normal rezoning process, and establishing development regulations for data centers (Jason Angell)
Resolution No. 2024-109: Relating to Economic Development; amending the Marana Job Creation Incentive Program (MJCIP) to exclude data centers from the definition of “Targeted Employer” for purposes of the MJCIP (Curt Woody)
Ordinance No. 2024.025: Relating to Land Development, adopting the Town of Marana Drainage Manual (Jason Angell) Resolution No. 2024-103: Relating to Land Development, declaring as a public record filed with the Town Clerk the Town of Marana Drainage Manual adopted by Ordinance No. 2024.025 (Jason Angell)
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